Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS
Our CCBS database includes more than 11,000 abstracts of publications. Perform your own detailed search of TLC/HPTLC literature and find relevant information.
The Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS contains all abstracts of CBS issues beginning with CBS 51. The database is updated after the publication of every other CBS edition. Currently the Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service includes more than 11'000 abstracts of publications between 1983 and today. With the online version you can perform your own detailed TLC/HPTLC literature search:
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Planta Med Int Open 9(1), e60-e71 (2022). HPTLC of an ethanolic Soxhlet extract of Caulerpa racemosa (Caulerpaceae) on silica gel with petroleum ether – acetone 4:1. Detection under UV 366 nm and after derivatization by spraying with Liebermann-Burchard reagent acetic anhydride – sulfuric acid – ethanol 1:1:10. β-Sitosterol (hRF 38) was identified by comparison with a standard.
Pharmacogn. Mag. 19, 917-925 (2023). HPTLC profiling of Guggulutiktam Kashayam on silica gel with toluene - ethyl acetate - methanol 7:3:1. Detection by spraying with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid reagent. Qualitative identification under UV light at 254 and 366 nm.
J. Sep. Sci. 46, 2300582 (2023). HPTLC of berberine in Berberis vulgaris, Berberis
aquifolium, and Hydrastis canadensis on silica gel with n-propanol - formic acid - water 95:1:4 (1) and 90:1:9 (2). Detection of (1) by spraying with dragendorff reagent, followed by drying at 100 °C. Qualitative identification under UV light at 254 and 366 nm. The hRF values for berberine in different plants were between 44 and 49.
J. Sep. Sci. 46, 2300198 (2023). HPTLC of asphaltenes-containing petroleum materials: saturated, aromatics, resins, asphaltenes group-type composition on silica-coated quartz rods with a reverse order of the subsequent elution steps, where the solvent polarity was simultaneously reduced and the chromatogram development distance increased in the following order: dichloromethane - methanol 19:1, 3 cm; toluene, 6 cm; and n-hexane, 10 cm. After each development step, the frame was placed in an oven at 70 °C until completely dried and placed in a desiccator for 10 min. Chromatograms were obtained based on the electrometer analog signal generated during the mechanical movement of individual rods in the air-hydrogen flame of the TLC–FID analyzer.
J. Ethnopharmacol. 320, 117404 (2024). HPTLC of lupeol and stigmasterol in the stem bark of Ficus benghalensis, Ficus glomerata, Ficus religiosa, Ficus infectoria, and Albizia lebbeck on silica gel with toluene - ethyl acetate - methanol - formic acid 38:5:5:20:1. Detection by spraying with anisaldehyde sulfuric acid. Qualitative identification under UV light at 525 nm.
J. Ethnopharmacol. 319, 117085 (2024). HPTLC of betaine in Sida cordifolia on silica gel with methanol - ammonia 3:1. Detection by dipping into modified Dragendroff’s reagent, followed by heating at 120 °C for 20 min. Qualitative analysis under UV light at 540 nm.
J. Ethnopharmacol. 318, 117004 (2024). HPTLC of gallic acid in Pyracantha crenulata on silica gel with toluene - ethyl acetate - formic acid 8:10:3. Qualitative identification under UV light at 254 nm. The hRF value of gallic acid was 74.
J. Ethnopharmacol. 318, 116977 (2024). HPTLC of Oxalis corniculata on silica gel with chloroform - methanol - water 15:3:2. Detection by spraying with 2 % aluminium chloride. Qualitative analysis under UV light at 344 nm. Further analysis by mass spectrometry.