Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS

Our CCBS database includes more than 11,000 abstracts of publications. Perform your own detailed search of TLC/HPTLC literature and find relevant information.

The Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS contains all abstracts of CBS issues beginning with CBS 51. The database is updated after the publication of every other CBS edition. Currently the Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service includes more than 11'000 abstracts of publications between 1983 and today. With the online version you can perform your own detailed TLC/HPTLC literature search:

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      130 037
      Quantitative thin layer chromatography for the determination of medroxyprogesterone acetate using a smartphone and open-source image analysis
      Mary E. SOWERS*, R. AMBROSE, E. BETHEA, C. HARMON, D. JENKINS** (* and ** FHI 360, Product Quality and Compliance, Durham, North Carolina, USA; *; **

      J Chromatogr A, 1669, 462942 (2022). Samples were medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) as standards and commercial drug extracts, dissolved in dichloromethane. TLC on silica gel (preactivated by 30 min heating at 120 °C) with dichloromethane – ethyl acetate 10:1, followed by 30 min drying at 120 °C. Derivatization by spraying with sulfuric acid (50 % in ethanol). Visualization in a 3D-printed chamber designed especially for this purpose, blocking extraneous light and including a smartphone holder, a fluorescent lamp and an optical density step tablet. Pictures were taken with the smartphone digital camera, after spraying (6 background images) and after 10 min heating at 120 °C (6 foreground images). In the last case, MPA appeared as black spots (hRF 16–20). Using an image processing software program: (1) one averaged background image and one averaged foreground image were created by concatenation and were split into 3 colour channels; (2) the green colour channels were corrected to remove background noise, by subtraction of an averaged darkfield image (taken on blank plate without light) and by comparison ratio to an averaged blankfield image (taken on blank plate with light); (3) the pixel values of the MPA bands were converted to optical density values through the Robard’s function, by comparison to a reference image of a theoretical optical density step tablet; (4)  furthermore, the corrected background image was subtracted from the corrected (and denoised with a Gaussian Blur) foreground image; a triangle threshold algorithm was applied on the resulting image, and was converted to a mask (white spots on black background); (5) applying the binary mask to the original corrected images (obtained in (2)), the final integrated density values of MPA spots were obtained. This method was validated for linearity range (1.25–3.75 mg/mL), for precision, for reproducibility, for robustness, and for accuracy expressed as average recovery values (101 % overall mean) by comparison of TLC results with HPLC-DAD results.

      Classification: 3f, 13a, 32a
      123 036
      Optimized determination of caffeine, equol, and artemisinin by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography–direct analysis in real time–time of flight–mass spectrometry
      F. EICHNER, B. SPANGENBERG* (*University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Department of Process Engineering, Badstrasse 24, 77652 Offenburg, Germany,

      J. Planar Chromatogr. 32, 197-203 (2019). HPTLC of equol (1), artemisinin (2) and caffeine (3) on silica gel with methyl t-butyl ether - cyclohexane 1:1 for (1), cyclohexane - ethyl acetate 7:3 for (2) and ethyl acetate - acetone 7:3 for (3). The plate was scanned with a DART–TOF MS system to optimize the measurement conditions. The hRF values for (1) to (3) were 71, 63 and 53, respectively. LOD and LOQ were 1.2 and 1.8 µg/zone for (1), 225 and 315 ng/zone for (2) and 270 and 490 ng/zone for (3), respectivley.

      Classification: 3f
      112 010
      Comparison of two TLC-DPPH-Image processing procedures for studying free radical scavenging activity of compounds from selected varieties of Medicago sativa
      I. KOWALSKA, L. CIESLA, T. ONISZCZUK, M. HAJNOS, W. OLESZEK, A. STOCHMAL (*Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Medical University of Lublin, 20-093 Lublin, Poland,

      J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. 36, 2387-2394 (2014). The image processing programs ImageJ and Sorbfil TLC Videodensitometer were compared to study direct antioxidant properties of compounds separated from extracts obtained from Medicago sativa. Comparable results were obtained based on built-in functions present in both programs for processing TLC videoscans.

      Classification: 3f
      56 029
      Laser fluorometric detection for thin-layer chromatography

      Anal. Chem. 55, 1992-1994 (1983). Demonstration of the feasibility of utilizing laser fluorometric detection in TLC/HPTLC.

      Classification: 3f
      61 031
      Factor analysis and Kalman filter studies of severely overlapped amino acid derivatives in thin-layer chromatography
      S.C. RUTAN*, C.B. MOTLEY, (Dep. Chem., Virginia Commonwealth Univ., Richmond, Virginia 23284- 0001, USA)

      Anal. Chem., 59, 2045-2050 (1987). Investigation of the performance of several mathematical approaches for quantification of components in case of severe chromatographic and spectroscopic overlap. Demonstration by the separation of two amino acids, glycine and glutamine on silica with 1-butanol - acetone - acetic acid - water 7:7:2:4 followed by derivatization with O-phthaldialdehyde. Studies of 5 approaches based on factor analysis and Kalman filtering methods with errors of 5.9% for glycine and - 6.4% for glutamine.

      Classification: 3f, 18a
      65 018
      Determination of fluorescence polarization values of DNS amino acids in chromatographic spots on polyamide plates
      B.G. BELINKII, T.B. ADAMOVICH, T.N. ASEVA, V.A. MOSTOVNIKOV, S.V.NECHAEV, M.G. SOLONENKO*, (*Inst. of Phys. of the Acad. of Sci. of BSSR, Leninskii prosp. 70, 220602 Minsk, USSR)

      J. Planar Chromatogr. 2, 49-52 (1989). Luminiscence polarization of chromatographic spots of 23 DNS amino acids using a two channel scanning laser fluorometric detector. TLC of DNS amino acids on polyamide with 1.5% formic acid in water.

      Classification: 2d, 3f, 18a
      67 012
      Laptop chemistry
      P.K. ALDRIDGE*, J.B. CALLIS, D.H. BURNS, (*Center Process Anal. Chem., BG-10, Univ. Washington, Seattle, Washington 9895, USA)

      J. Liquid Chromatogr. 13, 2829-2839 (1990). Description of a field portable TLC scanner based on digital image processing hardware, consisting of a CCD imaging hardware to capture and process video images. Use of a laptop computer with a software for subtraction of noise, correction of variations, automated lane finding, calibration, peak finding and integration.

      Classification: 3f
      72 032
      Application of laser multiphoton ionization detection to thin-layer chromatographic plates
      H. KAWAZUMI, T. YASUDA, T. OGAWA, (Dep. Mol. Sci. Technol., Kyushu Univ., Kasuga, Japan 816)

      Anal. Sci. 9, 309-310 (1993). Investigation of the two-photon ionization detection for photo-absorbing molecules on TLC plates using a third harmonic laser, providing high spatial resolution. Discussion of the use of the mesh electrode for the photoionization detection of photo-absorbing molecules on other nonelectroconductive materials such as paper and glass.

      Classification: 3f