Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS

Our CCBS database includes more than 11,000 abstracts of publications. Perform your own detailed search of TLC/HPTLC literature and find relevant information.

The Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS contains all abstracts of CBS issues beginning with CBS 51. The database is updated after the publication of every other CBS edition. Currently the Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service includes more than 11'000 abstracts of publications between 1983 and today. With the online version you can perform your own detailed TLC/HPTLC literature search:

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      130 069
      Bioproduction, purification and physicochemical characterization of melanin from Streptomyces sp. strain MR28
      M. RUDRAPPA, S. KUMAR, R. KUMAR, A. ALMANSOUR, K. PERUMAL, S. NAYAKA* (*P.G. Department of Studies in Botany, Karnatak University, Dharwad 580003, Karnataka, India,

      Microbiol. Res. 268, 127295 (2023). HPTLC of melanin produced by Streptomyces sp. strain MR28 on silica gel with ethanol - 75 % butanol - water 1:4:1. Detection by exposure to iodine vapor. The hRF value for melanin was 68.

      Classification: 30b
      130 072
      A chronological overview of analytical techniques in forensic identification of printing toners
      A. TOMAR, R. GUPTA, S. MEHTA, S. SACHAR, S. SHARMA* (*Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 160014, India,

      Trends Anal. Chem. 144, 116450 (2021). Review of analytical techniques for the forensic examination of photocopied documents. The papers described the application of chromatographic techniques, including TLC and HPTLC for the analysis of lifting toner samples from different brands. 

      Keywords: HPTLC review
      Classification: 1b, 30a
      128 047
      Comparative evaluation of different methods for determining phytochemicals and antioxidant activity in products containing betalains – Verification of beetroot samples
      Barbara KUSZNIEREWICZ*, M. MROZ, I. KOSS, J. NAMIESNIK (*Department of Food Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, Gda´nsk University of Technology, Narutowicza
      11/12 St., 80-233 Gda´nsk, Poland, ()

      Food Chem. 362, 130132 (2021). HPTLC of betanin (1) and vulgaxanthin I (2) in beetroot (Beta vulgaris L. subsp. vulgaris) on RP-18 silica gel with water - acetonitrile -  trifluoroacetic acid 40:10:1. Quantitative determination by absorbance measurement at 535 nm for (1) and 484 nm for (2). The hRF values for (1) and (2) were 38 and 58, respectively.

      Classification: 30b
      127 017
      Phytoremediation of textile effluent and mixture of structurally different dyes by Glandularia pulchella (Sweet) Tronc.
      A. KABRA, R. KHANDARE, T. WAGHMODE, S. GOVINDWAR* (*Department of Biochemistry, Shivaji University, Kolhapur 416 004, India,

      Chemosphere. 87, 265-272 (2012). HPTLC of different dyes, namely Scarlet RR
      (1), Rubine GFL (2), Brilliant Blue R (3), Navy Blue 2R (4) and Red HE3B (5) and ethyl acetate extracted metabolites (6) on silica gel with toluene - ethyl acetate - methanol 7:2:1. Quantitative determination by absorbance measurement at 280 nm at various time intervals (0-96 h). The hRF values of (1) to (5) were 90, 82, 79, 69 and 49, respectively. The hRF values of (6) were 86, 63, 56, 44, 34, 27, 18, 11 and 5. The method allowed to study the progressive decolorization and preferential degradation of the dyes within a mixture by Glandularia pulchella.


      Classification: 30a
      127 022
      Analysis of unauthorized Sudan dyes in food by high-performance thin-layer chromatography
      W. SCHWACK*, E. PELLISSIER, G. MORLOCK (*Institute of Food Chemistry, University of Hohenheim, Garbenstrasse 28, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany,

      Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 410, 5641-5661 (2018). HPTLC of eight Sudan dyes, i.e., Sudan I (1), Sudan II (2), Sudan (3), Sudan IV (4), Sudan Red B (5), Sudan Red 7B (6), Sudan Orange G (7), and Para Red (8) in chili powder, paprika powder, curcuma powder, chili sauce, curry paste, palm oil on caffeine-impregnated silica gel with isohexane - ethyl methyl ketone 5:1. Densitometric evaluation in absorption mode at 390, 415, 500, 525, and 550 nm. Zones of interest were eluted with the oval elution head of the TLC-MS interface for further mass spectrometry analysis. The hRF values for (1) to (8) were 44, 48, 29, 33, 33, 38, 22 and 20, respectively. The LOD and LOQ were 2 and 9 ng/zone for (1) to (8), respectively. Recovery was between 73 and 120 %.

      Classification: 30a
      126 025
      Characterization of synthetic dyes for environmental and forensic assessments: A chromatography and mass spectrometry approach
      J. TERAN, Z. MILLBERN, D. SHAO (Shao Donyan), X. SUI (Sui Xinyi), Y. LIU (liu Yixin), M. DEMMLER, N. VINUEZA* (*Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry, and Science, North Carolina State University, 1020 Main Campus Dr, Raleigh, NC 27606, USA,

      J. Sep. Sci. 44, 387-402 (2021). Review of current methods for the analysis of disperse, acid, basic and reactive dyes from 2009 to present, including the identification and characterization of synthetic dyes by employing chromatographic methods.

      Keywords: HPTLC review
      Classification: 1b, 30a
      126 049
      Detection of synthetic food color “Metanil Yellow” in sweets: a systematic approach
      K. KOURANI, N. KAPOOR, A. BADIYE, R. SHUKLA* (*Biological and Life Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009, India,

      J. Planar Chromatogr. 33, 413-418 (2020). HPTLC of metanil yellow in colored sweets on silica gel with ethyl acetate - methanol - 25 % ammonia - water 35:11:5:5. Detection at UV 430 nm. The hRF value for metanil yellow was 56.

      Classification: 30a
      126 056
      A novel USP-HPTLC protocol compliant method for the simultaneous quantification of E-102, E-124, and E-133 azo dyes in consumer goods
      S. NANDANWADKAR*, V. MASTIHOLIMATH (*Department of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance, KLE College of Pharmacy, KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Nehru Nagar, Belagavi, Belgaum, Karnataka 590-010, India,

      J. Planar Chromatogr. 33, 405-412 (2020). HPTLC of E-102 (1), E-124 (2), and E-133 (3) azo dyes with n-butanol - isopropanol - 25 % ammonia - water 13:4:2:1. Quantitative determination by absorbance measurement at 420 nm for (1), 335 nm for (2) and 410 nm for (3), respectively. The hRF values for (1) to (3) were 16, 18 and 36, respectively. Linearity was between 200 and 1000 ng/zone.

      Classification: 30a