Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS

Our CCBS database includes more than 11,000 abstracts of publications. Perform your own detailed search of TLC/HPTLC literature and find relevant information.

The Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service CCBS contains all abstracts of CBS issues beginning with CBS 51. The database is updated after the publication of every other CBS edition. Currently the Cumulative CAMAG Bibliography Service includes more than 11'000 abstracts of publications between 1983 and today. With the online version you can perform your own detailed TLC/HPTLC literature search:

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      86 108
      Drug falsifications
      H. SCHLUDI*, E. WOLFERSEDER, K. ZEITLER, (*Landesuntersuchungsamt für das Gesundheitswesen Südbayern, Postfach, 85764 Oberschleissheim, Germany)

      (Arzneimittelfälschungen). Dtsch. Apoth. Ztg. 140, 63-70 (2000). TLC of anabolic steroid hormones (i. a. metandienone, stanozolol, methyltestosterone, clenbuterol hydrochloride) on silica gel with ethyl acetate - n-hexane 1:1. Evaluation under UV at 254 nm. Detection by spraying with 25 % sulfuric acid in ethanol and heating for 10 min at 1208C until optimum development of the colors of the spots. Simple and fast method.

      Classification: 32d
      111 090
      Simultaneous high-performance thin-layer chromatographic determination of indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid, and absisic acid in in vitro seedling of watermelon exposed to heavy metals
      E. KILINC*, V. OKUMUS, M. DUZ, F. AYDIN (*Laboratory of Chemical Analysis, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Dicle, 21280 Diyarbakir, Turkey,

      J. Planar Chromatogr. 25, 108-111 (2012). HPTLC of indole acetic acid (1), indole butyric acid (2), and absisic acid (3) in watermelon seeds exposed to heavy metals on silica gel with cyclohexane - methanol - 2-propanol 4:2:1 +1 drop ammonia. Quantitative determination by absorbance measurement at 230 nm. Limit of quantification was 10 ng/zone for (1) and (2) and 6 ng/zone for (3).

      Classification: 32d
      58 167
      (Studies on systematic analysis of poisonous compounds in forensic chemistry
      M. SYOYAMA, T. SANO. Jap. J. Hygienic Chem. (Eisei Kagaku) 31, 348-351 (1985). (Japanese)

      I. Classification procedure by thin-layer chromatography.) Classification of pesticides, hypnotics, psychotropics, narcotics, local anesthetics etc. by their Rf values related to standard markers on silica TLC. The standard markers used: methyl yellow, methyl red, tetrabromophenol phthalein ethyl ester, malachite green and rhodamine B.

      Classification: 32d
      67 201
      (The determination of the tetrodotoxin by in-situ alkaline reaction/thin-layer chromatographic densitometry
      L. LIN (Lin Leming), L. AO (Ao Lijuan), J. ZHANG (Zhang Jun), (Dalian Inst. Chem. Phys., Chinese Acad. Sci., Dalian, 116012 P.R. China)

      Chinese J. Chromatogr. (Sepu) 9, 113-116 (1991). TLC on silica with isopropanol - acetic acid - water 14:1:5. Detection by dipping into a solution of potassium hydroxide in ethanol and heating at 160 °C for 10 min. Quantification of fluoro densitometry at 230 nm. Detection limit 40 ng. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 40 - 350 ng with the correlation coefficient of 0.998.

      Classification: 32d
      74 133
      Qualitative organic analysis
      G. ROMANO*, G. CARUSO, G. NUSUMARRA, D. PAVONE, G. CRUCIANI, (*Instituto die Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, Univ. die Catania, Via Bibliotheca 4, 95124 Catania, Italy)

      Part 3. Identification of drugs and their metabolites by PCA of standardized TLC data. J. Planar Chromatogr. 7, 233-241, (1994). Principal components analysis of standardized Rf values of 443 drugs and their metabolites chromatographed with four eluent systems provided a two-component model accounting for 70.8% of the total variance. The "scores" plot enabled either identification, or restriction of the range of inquiry to few candidates. This simple, cheap and fast analytical method is of vital importance in the identification of an unknown drug in cases of overdose intoxication or poisoning, and is particularly valuable in the unaided search for drugs and their metabolites in instances when the substance is very polar and cannot be identified by gas chromatography.

      Classification: 32d
      79 174
      Quantitation of methadone (D+L) and L-polamidon in soft drinks
      A. KOCH, (Frohme-Apotheke, Frohmestrasse 14, D-22457 Hamburg, Germany)

      Proc. 9th Internat. Symp. Instr. Chromatogr., Interlaken, April 9.-11., 155-159 (1997). HPTLC of D/L- methadone and L-methadone on diol with toluene - hexane - diethylamine 3:6:1. Detection by derivatization with modified Dragendorff reagent; quantification by densitometry at 254 nm.

      Classification: 32d
      87 076
      Analysis of cocaethylene, benzoylecgonine and cocaine in human urine by high-performance thin-layer chromatography with ultraviolet detection
      L. ANTONILLI*, C. SURANO, M.C. GRASSI, P. NENCINI, (*Dept. Fisiol. Umana e Farm. and Serv. Spec. Antidroga, Univ. di Roma 'La Sapienza', P. le A. Moro 5, IT-00185 Roma, Italy)

      J. Chromatogr. B 751 (1), 19-27 (2001). TLC on silica gel with hexane - toluene - diethylamine 13:4:1. Quantitation by densitometry at 234 nm. Evaluation of the accuracy, precision, detection and quantitation limits of the methods by comparison with HPLC.

      Classification: 32d, 32f
      114 019
      Quality standards of the European Pharmacopoeia
      Anne BOUIN*, M. WIERER (*European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (EDQM), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France,

      J. Ethnopharmacol. 158, 454-457 (2014). The authors described how the European Pharmacopoeia provides a legal and scientific reference for the quality control of medicines. The document highlighted HPTLC as a tool for the screening of herbal drugs containing certain contaminants, such as aristolochic acids._x000D_

      Classification: 1, 8b, 32d